Friday 23 March 2012

Offshore investment advice

Why do you need offshore investment advice?

Unlike the UK’s financial market, where nearly all financial products are fully regulated, offshore investments and their regulations vary from country to country. A single investor can’t keep up with changes in the way these products are managed or overseen, or with the ways in which local factors such as the economy and unemployment can affect each market. So, if you’re serious about offshore investments, you need to take professional advice. To find out more visit

What can professional advice give me?

  • Access to more products – an experience financial advisor will have an excellent knowledge of the offshore market and, as at deVere & Partners, have the backing of a large, specialist organisation. This means that you are more likely to find a suitable product and a better deal than you would if you were trying to access funds on your own.

  • More options – once your advisor understands your aims and objectives, they may be able to offer options that you haven’t previously considered – either because you don’t have enough information or because you’re unaware of the product. Extending your options means that you can be a more flexible and successful investor.

  • Market knowledge – a qualified and trained financial advisor needs to be aware of changes in the marketplace, including external factors which may affect the products he or she advises on. Their up-to-date market knowledge and their anticipation of funds that may change or be subject to damaging external factors is essential to ensuring that you are making the best choices.

  • Confidentiality – the professional advisors at deVere know that you want your finances to be treated with sensitivity and discretion and that you need to be able to trust your advisor with running your offshore investments. Confidence in your advisor inspires confidence in their recommendations and a good long-term relationship can be very profitable for clients.

  • Communication – when you arrange your financial investments yourself, it’s easy to sit back, congratulate yourself on finding a good product and let the fund take its course. A financial advisor, on the other hand, will always be checking to ensure that the product is still the best one for you, and getting in touch if they find something else that may bring better returns. This means that your finances are always working their hardest for you.

1 comment:

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